Upazila Parishad officee
Taltoli, Barguna
Memorial No. 46.10.0400. Date: 18.01.2676 AD
Meeting notice.
24.01.016 AD Sunday, Sunday, January 11, 2016, will be held in Upazila Parishad conference room in the monthly meeting of the upazila parishad. The meeting will be chaired by Mr. Md Moniruzzaman Mintu, Chairman, Upazila Parishad, Taltoli, Barguna.
The meeting was requested to be present in due time.
01. Legislation readings and approvals in the last meeting.
0. Discussion related to recommendations of the Standing Committee.
03. Discussing government circulars.
04. Discussions related to topics recommended by the Honorable Members of the Parliament.
05. Annual Development Program related Discussion
06. Upazila Parishad Revenue Fund and Development Fund Discussion
07. Miscellaneous
(Md. Israel Hossain)
Chief Executive Officer
Taltoli, Barguna
Phone: 04456-56005
Recipient: ................................................ ...................
.................................................. ................
Taltoli, Barguna
Memorial No. 46.10.0400. Date: 18.01.2676 AD
Copy to kindly know
01. Honorable Member of Parliament, 109-Barguna-1 Honestly requesting valuable advice from the present audience at the meeting
That's it.
0. Commissioner, Barisal Division, Barisal
03. Deputy Commissioner, Barguna
04. Chairman, Upazila Parishad, Taltoli, Barguna
05. Vice-Chairman / Female Vice Chairman, Upazila Parishad, Taltoli, Barguna
06. Office Copy.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS